Friday, January 9, 2009

It's that time again...

Time to make a bunch of New Year's Resolutions. I made only one resolution last year - to lose 36 lbs. and thereby get down to 200. Despite some ridiculous-yet-fantastic holiday binging, I ended the year at just over 180. I think that's officially the first one of these little goals I've ever accomplished. Go me. ;) That's cool and all, but I'm still not quite where I want to be. So with that in mind, here are my resolutions for this year:

Hit 170 pounds by April 1st
I haven't been able to break 174 yet despite several close encounters, but I'm going to do it, and I vow to never see 175+ again. Ever. After that, I'll probably give the P90X program a shot, if only because I'm getting pretty bored with my current weightlifting regimen.

Complete Associate's Degree
It has always been a goal of mine to complete my Bachelor's degree, but in focusing on my career after high school, I ended up dropping out of school halfway through my third semester at Arizona State University. Last year I started taking classes at Mesa Community College in hopes of a) finally making some educational progress and b) figuring out what sort of education I want. I have decided to pursue a B.S. in Political Science. It will provide little-to-no benefit to my career, but I find politics endlessly interesting, and I can do it entirely online through ASU once I finish my generals at MCC. I have three classes remaining to finish up my Associate's Degree in Something Or Other, and darn it, I'm going to do it, if only by inertia. That will be a nice milestone before the real work (and interesting classes) begin next decade.

Read 1 book per month
I read two books during my family's annual jaunt to Santa Barbara - Liar's Poker by Michael Lewis, and Cool It by Bjorn Lomborg. Both were excellent and eye-opening, and they reminded me how much I enjoy learning by reading; for some reason I only seem to consume non-fiction (insert super-funny joke from Dad disqualifying books by liberal authors). I will attempt to read one book per month, and I plan to alternate secular and sacred. First up is Freakonomics, a gift from my friend and then boss Dave Waxberg two Christmi (yes, that's the plural of "Christmas") ago; after that will be Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage.

Magnify my Church callings
This year I plan to give extra attention to my Church duties as Sunday School Presidency Second Counselor, Elder's Quorum Instructor, and especially Home Teacher. I have unfortunately been known to slack in this area more than would be prudent.

Magnify my more important callings...
...those of husband and father. I have been blessed with a lovely and wonderful wife, and three beautiful and fantastic children. Time for me to step up and be the husband and father they deserve. Not that I am abusive or derelict, but certainly I am occasionally less-than-optimally-enthusiastic when I arrive home from the office to find three tired-and-therefore-nutty kidlets and a wife understandably at the end of her rope. Honey, I'm going to work on it.

Blog once a week
We'll see about this one. It's a goal. :)

Golf once a month
Well, except maybe when it's 115 degrees outside. I really enjoy golfing in Santa Barbara every year, but I'd like to not completely suck by next winter.

Readers, have a wonderful and prosperous 2009, and hopefully I will too. I've got my work cut out for me.


runningfan said...

Good luck to you! Sounds like a well-rounded bunch of worthy resolutions.

granny said...

Go get 'em tiger!

The Wizzle said...

You're awesome honey. That's a big old pile o' goals!

Paul Dalton said...

Good luck, Dave. Worthy goals. Very proud of you.

Mark Dixon said...

You inspire me! You can do it.

Anonymous said...

Good goals, congrats on the super fitness!