Monday, October 29, 2007

I did mention this would be periodic, right?

So I'm not the world's most prolific blogger. Sue me. Actually, don't - I can't afford the attorney fees. And I probably couldn't get the judge to throw the case out, if crap like this can find its way to trial. This is where the "periodic" part of the blog title saves my bacon, because hey, quarterly is periodic, right?

It's an exciting time to be alive in Dixon-land. My beloved Phoenix Suns are about to kick off their 4th Annual Heartbreak Tour, starring Steve Nash's back, Amare Stoudemire's knees, and Grant Hill's right ankle. My daughter Eve is on the verge of talking to me. My dad is kicking my (shrinking) backside in a de facto weight-loss contest. I just got the new Radiohead album ... you know, for free. My long-defunct band is back together and on the prowl for a singer, which could be my wife. I just bought a political t-shirt (and another). I sang as a hired gun with an Episcopalian choir at a ceremony in which they installed a new rector of the St. Mark's parish in Mesa - my first official paying gig as a musician. And I just helped my parents install a large hexagonal paver platform for their gazebo, which for some reason makes me want to get on my hands and knees for several dozen consecutive weekends to finally landscape my backyard after five years of home ownership.

How's that for an update? Maybe "periodic" should equal "quarterly" after all....


The Wizzle said...

Honey, nice to see you around again! I almost took your blog link off my sidebar, but I guess I'll leave it up for a little while longer...

That little list of exciting things makes me happy to be living with you. Sounds like a pretty fantastic life to me. :)

granny said...

Wow, life is good. Your help was much appreciated, btw. We'll return the favor when you start yours.

angiedunn said...

This periodic post is pretty much positively't think of a p-word for awesome.

Way to have a cool life.

Mark Dixon said...

Enjoyed your blog. Gagged at the t-shirts. :) Guess I'll have to get a Mitt shirt.